Effectiveness Of Moxa And Acupressure Therapy For Changes In Fetal Presentation In Pmb Delima WM

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Maimunah Maimunah
Ika Friscila
Winda Maolinda
Zulliati Zulliati


Background: Complication that caused by feral malpresentastion is still high. Currently there are new methods to handle fetal malpresentation which are moxace therapy and acupressure that could combined to get optimum result. Stimulation on BL67 accupuncture dot have a function to stimulate the nerves on emptying bladder so fetus could have enough space to change their position and presentation.

Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of moxa and acupressure therapy to change fetalpresentation in PMB Delima WM.

Methods: Experimental research with case control design to 16 trimester III pregnant women with fetal malpresentation and still not engaged that has been chosen with total sampling technique and divided to 8 people on intervension group and 8 people on control group. Data collected in checklist form and analized univariately in frequency distribution table and bivariately using mann whitney u test.

Results: : univariately identified that there’s a fetal presentation change on the majority of intervension group respondent or about 7 people (87,5%) and there’s no fetal presentation change on the majority of control group respondent or about 5 people (62,5%). Bivariate hypothesis test showed p value = 0,046.

Conclusion: Moxa therapy and acupressure effective to fetal presentation change in PMB Delima WM.

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Cara Mengutip
Maimunah, M., Friscila, I., Maolinda, W., & Zulliati, Z. (2024). Effectiveness Of Moxa And Acupressure Therapy For Changes In Fetal Presentation In Pmb Delima WM. Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 5(1). Diambil dari https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/PROBID/article/view/1154


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